Wind meets Gas 2024

3–4 Oct 2024 | Groningen, Netherlands

3 October 2024 - 4 October 2024

9712 JG Groningen, Netherlands

Martinikerkhof 3

Wind meets Gas 2024

Welcome to Wind meets Gas 2024!

The event in the Northern Netherlands on hydrogen and offshore energy. Join us and be inspired by keynote speakers from the energy industry, government and academia. Participate in a wide variety of workshops and learn about the latest developments, broaden your network and create new business opportunities during the 1:1 matchmaking sessions.

The 8th edition of Wind meets Gas will take place on October 3 & 4 in the traditional setting of the Martinikerk in Groningen. Check out the agenda for the most up to date programme.

Join us at Wind meets Gas 2024 as we delve into the pivotal question driving the energy transition: What is the magic bullet to reignite investment and propel the wind and gas energy sectors forward?

Wind meets Gas 2024 - From mind to matter

Barriers and enablers to realise large scale energy investments

On Thursday, October 3rd, we'll kick off our 8th edition with a focus on solutions to overcome the current investment hesitations. Our esteemed speakers will explore a myriad of options, from massive electrolyser capacity investment to the European proposal of incentivizing market supply and demand alignment through schemes like H2Global. We'll also discuss the potential of international infrastructure and policy coordination around regions like the North Sea and Baltics, and the impact of flexible regulations on catalyzing early momentum in the green molecules value chains.

Throughout the day, our lineup of international keynote speakers will provide insights from diverse perspectives, while dedicated parallel sessions will allow for in-depth exploration of key themes. Experience the unique WMG setting, with plenaries held in the historic Martini Church and parallel sessions in charming locations across Groningen's city center. Join us for a memorable plenary dinner to cap off the day's discussions.

The future generation

On Friday, October 4th, our symposium extends a special invitation to the younger generation, engaging them in discussions on regional plans for offshore wind-based hydrogen economies. From examining local acceptance to broader welfare considerations, we'll explore the feasibility of these plans and draw insights from experiences across Northwestern Europe, particularly the North Sea and Baltic regions.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. Wind meets Gas 2024 promises a morning session filled with intense interaction between speakers and audience, guided by creative moderation techniques. Mark your calendars for an event that will shape the future of energy transition.

Enterprise Europe Network matchmaking: create new collaboration opportunities

At this year’s Wind meets Gas we will again facilitate the possibility of pre-arranged one-to-one meetings. The matchmaking sessions offer a great opportunity to meet new potential business and research partners active in the energy sector. The model is time and cost efficient and provides effective ways of meeting new partners! Meetings will take place in a dedicated area and you will be able to arrange them in advance by means of this website.

Wind meets Gas 2023